Our Latest News

Keeping you informed about Sandbach

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS HAS BEEN EXTNEDED TO 21st August 2022 Sandbach Partnership is a community organisation run by community volunteers for the benefit of the community.  It is independent of Cheshire East Council and Sandbach Town Council regardless of funding arrangements.  Not only is it independent of Council it is also politically neutral.  There are currently 4 vacancies available on the management team that we are seeking applications from the public for. If you are interested in a rewarding

We are truly saddened to announce that Craig Bayley sadly passed away on 9th January 2022. When Craig achieved his degree from South Cheshire College, which he was extremely proud of, he joined an organisation called Disability Resource Exchange as a volunteer. During this time he took on the role of advisor and was tasked with visiting organisations and businesses offering guidance. Craig remained in this role for around 6 years, until sadly the funding was withdrawn and it was forced

Spooky Saturday will be held on 30th October at St. Marys Church Hall, Sandbach (just off the cobbles). The event starts at 4pm till 6pm and is free. We have lots of fun activities for children and look forward to seeing you there! To find out more email us : info@sandbachpartnership.co.uk or call us : 01270 750482

We are jumping for joy that our Youth Forum project has been selected as one of the selected Co-op Local Community Fund project this year. We would like to engage with the youth of Sandbach to give them a voice in what happens, what activities they would like to be available and provide them with the opportunity to design and run their own event. Please select us on you membership causes page. https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/59633

Spooky Saturday will be held on 30th October at St. Marys Church Hall, Sandbach (just off the cobbles). The event starts at 4pm till 6pm and is free. We have lots of fun activities for children and look forward to seeing you there! To find out more email us : info@sandbachpartnership.co.uk or call us : 01270 750482

We recently became aware that people were finding the decline in the appearance of the cemetery distressing when visiting their loved ones. Being the forward thinking, proactive community organisation we are, we decided we should initiate the re-creation of the Friends of Sandbach Cemetery (FOSC) to work with Orbitas and ANSA to bring the cemetery back to it’s former glory and maybe one day, apply for the green flag status again. If you can spare 2-3 hours a month, enjoy

Sandbach Partnership