Partnership Forum

/Partnership Forum

Sandbach Partnership (“the Partnership”) comprises of the Management Team and the Sandbach Partnership Forum both of which are chaired by the Sandbach Partnership Chair.

Membership of the Partnership Forum is open to:

  • Any person who is interested in furthering the work of the Partnership and who supports the objects – “Ordinary Members”.
  • Any body, corporate or incorporated association, which is interested in furthering the Partnership’s work and who supports the objects – “Member Organisations”
Thinking of becoming a member?

Being a member of the Forum has a range of benefits from group training, constitutional advice, marketing and event support and insurance provision (subject to discussion). The Forum is a collaborative environment to share best practice and develop ideas which will benefit our community.

You can register your interest by completing either of the following forms:

Find out more about our members

We have 18 forum member groups who offer a range of services to the community of Sandbach and surrounding areas. The majority of our forum members a volunteer organisations. If you would like to get involved or learn more please see below for further details on each of our active Forum members:


Sandbach Partnership