Repair Café Sandbach Marks One Year of Community-Driven Repairs and Sustainability

//Repair Café Sandbach Marks One Year of Community-Driven Repairs and Sustainability

Sandbach, Cheshire – 28 September 2024 – Repair Café Sandbach was thrilled to announce its one-year anniversary! Since its launch in September 2023, the volunteer-led initiative has become a cherished part of the community, offering residents a free and sustainable way to repair everyday items and reduce waste.

Over the past year, Repair Café Sandbach has held monthly events, with skilled volunteers coming together to fix a wide range of items, from electronics and furniture to clothing and bicycles. The initiative has repaired more than 200 items, diverting them from landfill and saving local residents, and others from further afield, both money and resources.

“We’re so proud to celebrate this milestone,” said Helen Dorney, founding member of Repair Café Sandbach and Chair of Sandbach Partnership. “Our goal has always been to create a space where people can learn to repair their items, meet others in the community, and contribute to a more sustainable way of living. The response has been overwhelming, and it’s inspiring to see how much we’ve accomplished together.”

The Repair Café not only focuses on repairs but also fosters a spirit of community and collaboration. Residents bring their broken items, and the volunteer team—consisting of electricians, seamstresses, carpenters, and DIY enthusiasts—provide their expertise free of charge. It’s a hands-on, educational experience, encouraging everyone to participate and learn valuable skills.

Local resident, Sue Chennells, has visited the Repair Café on a few occasions, recently attended with a much-loved Snowman which needed some attention to bring it back to its best. Sue commented, “the snowman has a huge sentimental connection, it has been used by Ingrid (my mother-in-law) and family since it was bought in 1974 with toys stuffed up inside.  Every year since (50yrs) he has been brought out wherever we have spent Christmas, stuffed with Christmas presents.  Towards the end of each Christmas day, Ingrid would give the greenlight to see what treasures the snowman held.

Thanks to Repair Café Sandbach the repair means that the next generation can continue the tradition for years to come.”


Ingrid and her snowman at home in Chester, ready for Christmas thanks to Repair Café Sandbach.


As part of the anniversary celebrations, Repair Café Sandbach hosted a special event on 28 September at St Peter’s Church Hall, Elworth. The event featured a visit from the Mayor of Sandbach, repair stations and a collaboration with Sandbach Pantry in a mini-harvest festival themed event.

Since its inception, Repair Café Sandbach has been seed funded by Sandbach Partnership and supported by donations of numerous residents which are used to ensure that the café can run each month. The team looks forward to continuing its work, seeking grant funding for its continuation and inspiring even more people to embrace the repair culture in the years to come.

Sandbach Partnership